The TAP conference promotes research in verification and formal methods that targets the interplay of proofs and testing: the advancement of techniques of each kind and their combination, with the ultimate goal of improving software and system dependability.
Dijkstra's famous remark that "testing shows the presence, not the absence of bugs" contributed to reinforcing the opinion that program testing and program proving are antithetical techniques. Under the traditional view, proving aims at establishing correctness, whereas testing aims at uncovering errors: a correct program needs no testing, and there's no point in trying to prove a buggy one. As a result, research in verification has historically been divided into separate communities, with only few interested in both testing and proving.
This attitude has changed significantly over the last decade. Verification research has seen a convergence of heterogeneous techniques and a synergy between traditionally distinct communities. Testing and proving are increasingly seen as complementary rather than mutually exclusive techniques: formal testing can increase the confidence in the correctness of program parts that are hard to reason about formally, and proving can help make testing more efficient and systematic. The TAP conference aims to promote research in the intersection of testing and proving by bringing together researchers and practitioners from both areas of verification.
The conference program will include presentations of refereed works, as well as invited talks and tutorials, thus offering numerous chances for interaction to researchers with different backgrounds.
TAP 2016 is part of the STAF Conference Series held in Vienna, Austria.